About Us
The California Grape Rootstock Improvement Commission (CGRIC) was founded in 1993 and reaffirmed in 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018 by an industry-wide referendum vote. This program is legislatively authorized under Chapter 12.6 Division 22 of the Food and Agriculture Code. CGRIC’s primary function is to fund research projects relative to grape rootstock and to disseminate the finished project reports to all CGRIC members. By state law, all nurseries that produce, and /or use or distribute grape rootstock must belong to the CGRIC and are required to pay yearly assessments.
There are 18 commissioners elected at large by the licensed nursery members of the CGRIC. We have two board meetings every year. The annual meeting is held to establish the assessment rate. The second board meeting is held in conjunction with the annual research committee meeting where the Commissioners determine which research projects will be funded by the CGRIC. The vast majority of research on grape rootstock is done at the University of California, UC Cooperative Extension and California State University systems.
The organization’s mission is to fund and support grape rootstock research for the enhancement of the California viticulture and grape nursery industry. The Commission funds studies relative to pests, diseases and environmental factors that may, will or could be mitigated through improved rootstocks, as well as rootstock breeding programs. Beginning with research year 1994 to the present over 121 projects have been funded in the amount of $6,452,525.44.